Les gares, les stations et les aéroports ont des charactéristiques qui présentent des défis pour maintenir les voyageurs dans un climat confortable.
Radiant heating for medium to high industrial buildings with or without insulation. U-shaped emitter tube. With turbulator in the combustion chamber to slow down the flue gases, so that more energy is reflected from the inside of the tube to its surface, which increases efficiency.
Radiant heating for medium to high industrial buildings with or without insulation. Straight emitter tube. With turbulator in the combustion chamber to slow down the flue gases, so that more energy is reflected from the inside of the tube to its surface, which increases efficiency.
Radiant heating for medium to high industrial buildings with or without insulation. U-shaped emitter tube, high radiant efficiency.
Radiant heating for medium to high industrial buildings with or without insulation. Straight emitter tube, high radiant efficiency.
Radiant heating for medium to high industrial buildings with or without insulation.
Offers you performance and flexibility
Radiant heating for industrial and public buildings with insulation. High efficiency linear radiant tube with an aesthetic finish.
Chauffage par rayonnement de bâtiments industriels de moyenne et grande hauteur avec ou sans isolation. Efficace et économique. Emetteur en épingle.